15 March 2012

Johnsons Skin Perfecting Oil | Week One

So, its Thursday again. Hasn't this year flown by so fast?
As promised, i will be keeping you updated on my war against stretch marks.

I have been using the Johnson's Skin Perfecting Oil twice a day every day for a week. Mostly concentrating on my legs, as they are the only ones really seen by others. I want decent pins for the summer :)
So far, i have seen an improvement on the feel of my skin. Its amazingly soft, baby soft in fact. My skin is never dry, even after a bath. My skin feels firmer too.
As for the colour of my stretch marks, i haven't really noticed much of a change, However my mum has. As she never really sees them and was asking about my progress i plucked up the courage to whip them out. She was pretty stunned and said that they are more of a pinky red as apposed to the deep purple they have been lately. If my mum has noticed a change, then I'm feeling pretty confident about how they are going to change in the next few weeks.

With the whether being as nice as it has been in the UK over the past few days we are all geared up for a lovely British summer. The saying about March goes "In like a Lamb, out like a Lion".
I was googling a few tricks and tips for a quick fix cover up and came across tons of websites saying that Sally Hansen's Spray on Legs is amazing for covering them. If i can find this product in stores, i will purchase it and test it out.
I have a wedding to go to in June and even though i have a gorgeous Maxi Dress picked out for the occasion, i also have a stunning coral dress. It is a knee length and even though it looks OK with black tights  and black accessories (i can imagine this is only some peoples taste, but then you hate your legs you tend to like how things look with tights), i am going to be testing out some of the tricks i have come across in a hope that i can wear the coral dress.

As always, i will keep you updated.

1 comment:

  1. I have not seen this oil in the shops - might give this a go now!

