1 February 2013

Jack Wills Gift Haul.

Firstly, please excuse the appearance of this post. If it looks a little rubbish its because I'm trying something new. If it doesn't work well I won't do I again :)

So, last week the fiance ventured off to Glasgow, Amy stayed at her grandparents and I had a girly night in with Sam. The fella returned with some goodies for me :) I thought I'd show you what he got. I love them all!

He got my a cropped sleeved jumper. I love this. It is so comfy and easy to wear. It isn't too obvious it's Jack Wills like the hoodies as it has a simple little logo on the pocket.

A nail varnish in Orchid. It is a beautiful purple colour. Once 2 coats are applied it gives you a gorgeous shiny finish. I will do a more detailed review on it sometime.

As tradition, for some reason when Paul goes to Scotland he brings me back some socks. These are so pretty :)


  1. I knew he wouldn't just give you a bag! Hahaha. xx

    1. Haha. He actually told me that he just got me some socks as it is tradition. xxx
