1 February 2013

25 Facts About Me.

I am always interested in these little posts and stole this idea from Louise.  Sorry if some of them are a little tedious. This post has taken me a while to do. I'm trying to think of slightly unusual things. The hard bit is that I'm not very unusual.

1. I have a 2inch scar on my right wrist from falling in a pond when i was 11. 

2. I managed to break the smallest bone in my wrist on a blade of grass. True story. 

3. I have a 2yr old daughter who had 4 due dates. 

4. I'm 5ft 1 1/2 and i have been since i was 13. 

5. I have to sleep the closest away from the door, so i die last. Logic. 

6. I have a fear or:
> Wasps
>Running water
> Bridges
>Being alone
>Being alone in the dark. 
>Failing as a parent
  Not many then. 

7. I hardly ever wear matching socks. Except for work. I save all the matching pairs for work. 

8. I love my job. I'm a care assistant. 

9. I'm addicted to Hollyoaks.

10. and Lipstick, although if you look in my drawer they are all the same colour.

11. I have an overbite, and hate it. 

12. I also had braces which didn't do a single thing. 

13. I worry what people think about me, as a person and a parent. 

14. I wish i was closer to my family. 

15. I HATE Massages. 

16. I Still love F.R.I.E.N.D.S

17. I'm a massive Gilmore Girls Fan. Still. 

18. I worry far too much. Enter Panic Attacks. 

19. I have "Seasonal Asthma". Basically, I don't take my Preventer because it tates vile. Oooops

20. My "Dream" is to live in America or be a Paediatric Nurse. Neither of which will happen as i will miss my family too much and I'm not smart enough to go to uni. 

21. I have a Distinction* in BTEC Diploma in Health and Social Care. 140/140 on my Assignments. Little did i know at the time, it means F*** all in this current climate. 

22. I'm Engaged. 14.12.2010

23. I have a tattoo on my foot and currently want 4 more. 

24. I cannot spell for shit. I want to shake the hand of the person who invented spellcheck.  

25. I can be very clingy. 

I hope this helped you learn a little more about me and didn't scare you off. 


  1. geat post..friends never grows old does it?


    P.s I have a giveaway on my blog, check it out if you're interested

    1. It really doesnt. I love the fact that it is always on comedy central! xxx
