13 February 2012

I need some motivation! - Weight Loss.

I have seen so many of these types of blogs about everywhere lately. 
I have one over on my Tumblr account, it is password protected as there are some slightly horrific images of me on there. If you wish to have a look just ask me for the password.

Last year i started a majour diet, i ate really well, did a ton of exercise and i lost no weight. 
I went to the doctors because i found out i might have had a tyroid problem. Tests were done and it came back i didnt. However, my doctor weighed me, and compared it against what i was before i fell pregnant and all my regular check ups iv had over the past years. He found it a bit abnormal about my weigh, i have always had an 'issue' with it, it has always jumped up and down, but this time it never jumped down. 
He also found that i had a dangeroudly low iron count so immediatly started me on iron tablets. (i hated them).
The reason for me not being able to lose any weight even though i was dieting so so much, was a combination of low iron and the contraception i was on. I was feeling so hungry, eating and then feeling hungry again. There were times where i would be doubled over with hunger pains after eating a full meal. 
My body didnt seem to recognise food in my system. I dont know why this is, but as soon as i changed my contraception from mycrogynon30 to the mini pill and with the added iron tablets in instantly felt better and dropped almost 2stone. 

Now, i need to get back on that diet and drop another 2stone. I just dont have the motivation.  I look at my body and see slight changes and it makes me feel good about myself and i instantly do sit ups to add to the improvements, but i never get into a strict routine. 
I all still eat really healthy, but I have my moments (too many moments) where i just binge eat. 
I need to stop this if i want to look and feel comfortable for the summer.

Another majour body issue i have is my stretch marks. Im not that bothered with the ones on my tummy anymore, im getting over them. Its the big, purple ones on the backs of my legs i despise. I never get my legs out for anyone, not even the boyfriend!! They are hideous. I need to find a cure for these. I know i will never get rid of them, i just need to get them so shrink and fade a little and i will be so much happier. 
I have been battling with stretch marks since i hit puberty, so im pretty used to them.

1 comment:

  1. i have stretch marks too and i hate them as well! but like you, i've kinda gotten over them and i've accepted that they're there. i use cocoa butter though, and bio oil to keep them controlled. they don't really make them go away but they keep them from getting darker. :)

    <3, Mimi
    Udderly Smooth Giveaway
